• September 13, 2018



More controversially Harris previous role in overseeing historical inquiries into abuses which occurred during the troubles has drawn fire. Some also say his previous constraints as a senior RUC/PSNI man under the UK Official Secrets Act may inhibit his ability to fulfill the role.

That’s as maybe but what of the new honest Garda men well yesterday’s events in Frederick Street Dubin were police kitted out like members of FARC with their identities concealed show that Drews idea of ‘honest coppering’ hasn’t permeated down through the ranks as yet.

Drew told 186 new Garda members:

“To maintain that support we must act with integrity.”

“We must be operationally honest. That means acting in the best interests of the public. That means being up-front with people.

“That means treating everyone we meet with respect, dignity and empathy.”

Not a great deal of respect, ‘dignity’ or ‘empathy’ with the homeless on display from Drews Force as the pepper spray and the batons came out and they enforced the Frederick Street evictions..
Possibly everyone was ‘honest’ about how some members detained by police received injuries but perhaps that’s something the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) should investigate next time it gives the Irish Force a ‘coat of looking at!

Image: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris – Honesty and empathy he says but to paraphrase the old song ‘It’s only words’!

Bernard Moffatt

Celtic League Military Monitoring

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