Almost €22,000 is to be provided from the Irish Language Fund for Third Level Institutions Overseas to the Irish Studies Centre at Beijing Foreign Studies University in China. It will assist the Centre in providing Irish classes and has been authorised by the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Eamon Ó Cuív TD.
Announcing the grant in February the Minister said:
“I am delighted to welcome Beijing Foreign Studies University on board as the first third-level institution in China to seek our support in providing Irish classes to their students. Ireland and China already have extensive links, and it is my hope that our new relationship with Beijing Foreign Studies University will further cement the ties between the two countries.”
Beijing Foreign Studies University’s policy is to teach all the official languages of the European Union, and now that Irish is an official working language of the EU, the university was keen to ensure Irish language tuition was available to its students.
Full details and expanded statement from the Minister for the Gaeltacht can be found at the link below:,10168,en.html