IOM Today has this ‘taster’ for Illiam Dhone day which will have a decidedly historical focus in terms of the English oration:…
Events commence at 2:00pm (Jan 2nd) at Hango Hill and there is a gathering later at the George Hotel in Castletown.
Speeches given at the Hill are generally published on the day in Yn Pabyr Seyr ( the Mec Vannin freesheet). The Illiam Dhone ceremony was first held in 1963 and then revived in 1979 and has been held annually thereafter. Sometimes a focus for controversy, in depth political analysis or a statement of cultural intent it’s an essential part of the calendar for Manx Nationalists both within the mainstream movement and those of a nationalist bent who are unaligned.
Image; Speakers at last years ceremony were Mark Kermode of Mec Vannin and Chris Thomas MHK. The youthful wreath layer is the daughter of Daphne Caine MHK.
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