The Council of Europe body which monitors prison conditions and police and other custody situations (the CPT) has responded promptly to the concerns forwarded earlier this week by the Celtic League over the Sheku Bayoh case. Mr Bayoh died while being restrained by officers of Police Scotland and new evidence suggests that evidence provided to a Scottish inquiry may not be accurate.
The CPT have thanked the League for raising our concerns with them. They say they will monitor the situation closely and take it into account when they are next planning a UK periodic visit. The Bayoh case is now the subject of a further independent enquiry.
Last year a CPT report was critical of restraint procedures in Scottish jails.
The Celtic League are grateful to the CPT for its swift response.
In the past thirty years the Celtic League has highlighted concerns to the CPT about deaths in custody and prison conditions in all the Celtic countries.
Bernard Moffatt
Assistant General Secretary Celtic League (20th January 2021)