• February 25, 2011

A feature of all AGMs in recent years has been the desire to continue with a print issue of CARN (the Celtic League journal published thrice yearly).

A prerequisite to that continued publication is a good membership subscription base and whilst the League is fortunate in that for the past several decades we have met all publication costs (in addition to the operating costs of the League as a whole) there is no room for complacency.

Remember all Celtic League costs are funded from the subscriptions of our members and a substantial portion of each sub goes to Central to support CARN and our other work.

I would urge all branches (via Secs and other officers) to seek prompt renewal of subscriptions for the current year and remit to Central funds as soon as possible.

The Celtic League treasurer will shortly be working on the year end accounts and it is important that all subscription returns from branches are up to date.

I feel sure that all branch officers will be diligent in ensuring membership is `up to scratch’ however individual members and supporters can also help by recruiting additional subscribers or forwarding an added donation specifically for CARN.

This year the Celtic League will be marking its fiftieth anniversary of its work for the Celtic countries – Please help it to continue that work.

J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
Celtic League


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