It was a tad ironic that on Friday as the result of the UK election became known the BBC was also running a story about the Cottingley Fairy hoax just over a century ago:…/uk-england-gloucestershire-50781521
Difficult not to see a parallel between weak minded folk and some who should have known better being taken in by a fraud. I think time will show that is what has happened to the people of those previously strong bastions of UK Labour that have been taken in not by some cardboard cutouts superimposed in a photo but rather by an animated blusterer who went around shouting ‘let’s get Brexit done’.
Blustering Boris went north today to celebrate his victory after promising the same blandishments of unity that Margaret Thatcher uttered at the start of her first term before she went on to eviscerate working class communities.
Cottingley part of Shipley constituency was already ‘blue’ so you could say they were taken in long ago!
Image: The Cottingley fairy hoax – inset a modern incarnation!
Bernard Moffatt, Assistant General Secretary Celtic League (14 December 2019)