The Celtic League has produced a sixtieth anniversary double issue celebrating the Leagues achievements and activities over six decades supporting the politics, languages and culture of the Celtic countries|. It’s a forty-eight page issue with full color illustrations and has been compiled by the editorial team using a range of contributors from both the Celtic League and also activists in the various countries.
A copy of the front page of this special issue is set out below. The side panel shows the current editorial team (top to bottom) Cathal O’Luain. Convenor of the League since the early 1990s. Rhisiart Ta-le-bot, General Secretary of the League since 2006 and Editor of Carn since 2013 and Patricia Bridson. International Secretary and League Treasurer who was Editor of Carn for 28 years.
A number of copies are available for media reviews and any media sources interested should contact either the Director of Information of the Celtic League, Alastair Kneale or any League officer. Details of contacts are on the main website (link – CONTACT US):
Bernard Moffatt
Assistant General Secretary Celtic League (26th November 2021)