The latest issue of CARN (No 147) has been published and is being distributed to branches and members. The autumn issue of the journal contains a plethora of articles relating to Mannin. Undoubtedly it is the spin-off from the recent successful AGM of the League held on the Island in July which enables the Manx to `punch above their weight’ in this issue.
A full AGM report is included listing all the resolutions adopted at the meeting. Most importantly in this issue, from the point of few of CARN and its future, is confirmation of the decision taken to continue publication for a further three year period.
In addition (as the AGM coincided with Yn Chruinnaght) lengthy Breton and Irish language articles focus on the Manx festival. CARN 147 also carries a substantial bi-lingual obituary feature for Alexei Kondratiev (one of the stalwarts of the Celtic League American branch) who sadly died earlier this year.
If you are not a subscriber to CARN sample copies can be obtained from your National branch Secretary (cost £3 or 4 Euro).
J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
Celtic League
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a
broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on
socio-economic issues.
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