• December 2, 2023

The Autumn/Winter issue of Carn (No 186) is with branches at present and being circulated to subscribers.. There are a number of in depth features in each of the National sections plus of course at least one article in each of the Celtic languages.

Mannin section has a range of items including a feature on independent journalist Paul Moulton who has been very much in the news lately. It highlights the wide range of video journalism that he has carried out over a number of years and indeed the article had to be updated shortly before Carn went to print to take account of the Ranson story he is pursuing. A Manx issue also surfaces in the Celtica section with a reference to John Wannenburgh MHK raising the Chronicles issue.

Overall content embraces the full spectrum, political, cultural, social and environmental.

Producing Carn is a complex operation and it is to the credit of the League and editors that it has continued unbroken for fifty years. New contributions for the Spring 2024 issue are now required. Carn only uses original material so it’s important that regular contributors submit articles as soon as possible via their branch or to the editorial team in Ireland and Cornwall.

We are especially indebted to those who produce topical articles for the Celtic languages section on a regular basis.

All those involved in the compilation and editing of Carn give their time voluntarily so early submission of articles enables them to balance the work with their personal life schedules.

Finally Carn (and indeed the operation of the League) is financed by members subscriptions only; we do not and have never accepted funding from third parties therefore at year end (or on due date) please renew your Celtic League subscription and encourage others to support our work by becoming members and subscribers

Bernard Moffatt

AGS Celtic League (15th November 2023)

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