Fortune shines on me as when an unusually hefty electricity bill arrives (for this time of year) before I can start foaming at the mouth about the MUA there’s also another parcel. It’s the Summer issue of Carn (No 185) and I’m quite pleased I have two articles published with a nautical theme, one about the loss of the MFV Cité D’Aleth forty years ago ( I make a ‘slight’ faux pas in my dating) which I enquired into at the time. The other (in the Celtica section) is about Britain’s secret ‘offshore war’ (Operation Awless conducted by the Royal Navy and Marines) in the North of Ireland during the troubles. The latter I’ve researched using links at the UK public record office and other sources.
Articles included in Carn are at editorially board discretion so I’m pleased to have ‘done the double’ especially as there’s fierce competition. In this issue’s Manx section alone there is analysis in Manx of the Dr Ranson tribunal by Bob Carswell. There’s also a historical item by Cristl Jerry on the Manx built clipper schooner ‘the Vixen’ with an absolutely stunning painting as an illustration.
All in all Carn has an eclectic mix of material; there are features on the latest National political or independence moves nestling alongside an item about a ‘Festival of Breton Choirs’!
Carn of course is full colour now so that allows for good illustrations with all the National sections and in Celtica. One article in each National section is in the relevant Celtic language.
Produced thrice yearly the next issue of Carn will be on the starting block now so if you have a possible article for inclusion on issues impacting the Celtic countries or their history or culture put the finishing touches to it now!
Carn is a 24 page publication produced by the Celtic League since 1973. The current Editor is Rhisiart Talebot and the other members of the editorial board are Cathal O’Luain and Pat Bridson. The magazine is produced in Cornwall and Ireland.
Bernard Moffatt
AGS Celtic League (30 June 2023)