“Campaigners from anti-nuclear groups will march the 44 miles from Trawsfynydd to the Eisteddfod at Boduan next month in support of a nuclear free Wales.
“The march is being organised by CND Cymru (the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), CADNO (the Society for the Prevention of Everlasting Nuclear Destruction) and PAWB (People against Wylfa B).
“The marchers are also supported by Welsh Nuclear Free Local Authorities which oppose plans to redevelop new nuclear plants at Trawsfynydd in Gwynedd and Wylfa in Ynys Mon.
“In April 2022 Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced plans to develop 24 gigawatts of nuclear power generating capacity in the UK by 2050.
“Both Trawsfynydd and Wylfa have been targeted as potential sites for the new generation of Small Modular Reactors that are under development.
“None of the SMR designs being worked on have so far received the necessary licencing approvals to be deployed in the UK, and Rolls-Royce announced last month that they anticipated a minimum delay of six months before their reactors gained approval.”
Link here at Nation Cymru:
Bernard Moffatt
AGS Celtic League (19th July 2023)