• March 16, 2021

The Culture Minister of Greece has spoken out after Boris Johnson the British Prime Minister reasserted the United Kingdom’s claims to the Marbles stolen from the Parthenon. Lina Mendoni said:

“that new data “show that there was never a legitimate acquisition of the Parthenon Sculptures by Lord Elgin and, therefore, neither has the British Museum ever acquired the Sculptures in a legitimate manner.”

“The Ministry of Culture and Sports can provide the necessary documentary evidence that can inform the British people that the British Museum possesses the Sculptures illegally,” Mendoni says in a statement.

She added “British Museum does not have legitimate ownership or possession of the Sculptures.”

There is nothing new in the UK PMs stance: the UK government has consistently set itself against the reparations of artefacts taken from their rightful homelands.

Even within these Island ENGLISH INSTITUTIONS oppose the return of important artefacts such as The Lewis Chessmen’, ‘The Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles’ and ‘The Gold Cape of Mold; to Scotland, the Isle of Man and Wales respectively.

Image; The stolen Parthenon Marbles – Insert: Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni

Related link:


Image; The looted marbles – Insert; Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni

Bernard Moffatt

Assistant General Secretary Celtic League (March 15th, 2021)

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