Two Breton groups are intent on putting the issue of Breton reunification on the political agenda this weekend, by organising a mass demonstration in the city of Naoned/Nantes.
This Saturday (27th February 2010) people are being urged to travel to Nantes from all over Breizh/Brittany to take part in a `Freque Humaine’. Bretagne Réunie and 44=BZH want to show politicians that the issue of Breton reunification should be firmly on the political agenda ahead of next month’s regional elections.
The groups says that they are determined to get more political parties coming out in support of Breton reunification as part of their election campaign and want to start a debate on the issue in the run up to elections:
“Concernant les élections régionales, plusieurs partis politiques affichent leur volonté de réunifier la Bretagne mais d’autres restent sans voix devant la volonté populaire.
“Bretagne Réunie et 44=Breizh veulent imposer le débat sur la réunification afin que les candidats se déterminent sur ce dossier.”
During the afternoon and evening there will be bands and a DJ and the mood of the day is expected to be festive. A bus will be travelling through Breizh picking people up to take them to the demonstration.
The demonstration comes in the wake of a court case against two well known Breton reunification activists on 1st February in Nantes. The two accused, Alan Haye and Jonathan William, are suspected of public disorder offences after police harassed them and their families while at a cafe in Naoned last year.
According to Reuters news agency 65% of voters in the French regional elections will be voting on local issues and 80% wanted the Paris government to take account of the vote in setting state wide policy.
This article prepared for Celtic News by Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary Celtic League. For follow-up comment or clarification contact:
Tel: 0044 (0)1209315884
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