There has been a call for the French Government to modify its laws to give
effect to the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages.
The call was made at the recent Annual General Meeting (10/11 July) of the
Celtic League held in Mannin (Isle of Man), by Breton delegates attending the
Background on the intrinsic hostility of the French Government to languages
other than French was provided by Council Officers. It was noted that whilst
great strides had been made in ensuring the UK provided greater recognition to Celtic languages France was very much `dragging its feet’.
A resolution moved by the Breton branch (text below) was unanimously adopted:
“The Celtic League AGM call on the French Government, in line with the
modification of the French Constitution (the languages of France are part of
French heritage) to vote for a new law in order to apply the European Charter
for Regional and Minority Languages.”
Implementation of the resolution is devolved to the General Secretary and Breton branches however several other branches indicated that they would also provide practical support.
J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
Celtic League