• January 10, 2020

Bird Watch Ireland has condemned the decision of the EU and Irish government not to end overfishing despite evidence presented to EU Fisheries Ministers about falling stock levels of some species and the impact on some species of sea bird.

BWI say:

“Ireland has one of the worst records in the EU at driving overfishing. Positions taken by Minister Creed in previous negotiation have resulted in vulnerable stocks collapsing. For example, there are eight fish stocks which are important for Ireland where scientists recommend no fish should be caught in 2020. The Celtic Sea Herring fishery had to close this year due to the state of the stock and there are no signs it will open next year. While the Minister has argued that he has been fighting for the interests of the fishing industry the facts are that overfishing is costing jobs.”

Full release at this link:


Other vulnerable stocks include cod off west of Scotland and the North Sea and southern hake.

Bernard Moffatt, Assistant General Secretary Celtic League (22 December 2019)

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