The BBC detests a TV license dodger that’s why they unleash their franchise operation, TV Licensing, to hound people. In turn TV Licensing has become so unpopular that the public have begun to turn on its staff (see link):
Now although the BBC hate ‘dodgers’ they are something of ‘the artful dodger’ themselves, especially when it comes to questions about their service in the Isle of Man.
Earlier this year I wrote to Tony Hall BBC Director General posing questions about the differences between the service the Corporation provide both here and in the Channel Islands. (see link):
After an initial holding response I got a substantive rely earlier this week:
I asked for details of;
“Broadcast licence fees collected annually in;
The Isle of Man
The Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey)”
The BBC said they do not have the information!
I asked:
“Can you also advise?
What staff and facilities are currently maintained by the BBC in the Isle of Man and the costs thereof.
What staff and facilities are currently maintained by the BBC in the Channel Islands and the costs thereof.”
The reply to (a) was;
Total staff in the Channel Islands 58
Channel Islands: 2 x premises (Jersey and Guernsey), 2 x radio station services, 4 x radio studios, 2 x NCAs, 1 x TV gallery, 1 x TV Studio, 2 x radio OB cars.
All TV Newsgathering done by multi skilled journalists using lightweight cameras and editing themselves on desktop computer software.
Total staff in the Isle of Man 3, who produce web, TV and any appropriate radio content
The reply to (b) about costs was brusquer they simply said they are ‘not obliged to provide this information and will not be doing soon this occasion’. So that’s me ‘telt’!
As for my final query:
“Can you explain why the BBC has dedicated Radio and TV facilities in the Channel Islands but not in the Isle of Man.?”
Yes you guessed it! They don’t want to defend the indefensible simply saying:
“as this is not a request for recorded information, we will not be providing a response to your question”.
One of the BBCs founding principles is to ‘inform’. It regards itself, and particularly its news and current affairs operation, as a beacon of transparency and openness. However the reality is that it is evasive and obstructive whenever anyone tries to shine a light on its own operations.
But what we have gleaned is the Channel Islands get 58 well paid jobs and a degree of infrastructure back for the license fees they pay. Meanwhile we get 3 people renting a ‘cupboard’ at Manx Radio on Douglas Head
When will this government and Tynwald take a firm stand over the license rip-off? Well, don’t hold your breath!
Issued by: The Celtic News
THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE. The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues