The fundamental aim of the Celtic League is to contribute, as an international organisation, to the struggles of the six Celtic nations to secure or win their political, cultural, social, and economic freedom. This includes:
Listen to the audio below to hear Bernard Moffatt and Roger Watterson highlight the past, present and future aims of The Celtic League on Manx Radio’s Sunday Opinion (recorded 19/04/2015):
On an internal level, the role of the Celtic League is secondary to that of the national organisations which work for the rebuilding of our respective nations as fully integrated communities. At an inter-Celtic level, we should promote exchanges and facilitate the acquaintance of people from different Celtic countries with one another to strengthen our solidarity. On the external level, we should let other people know that the Celts are determined to assert their nationhood and that they have original contributions to make to the achievement of more satisfactory relations between individuals and Nations. We are non- sectarian.
Each Celtic nation is conditioned by a different history and so we must not expect uniformity of thought, but instead allow diversity to express itself within the Celtic League. In this way, we may better recognise those areas of possible co-operation and eventually formulate a detailed common policy. With this, we can work out which kind of relations between our communities and nations will enable them to enjoy freedoms and liberties at both individual, community and national level.