The annual general meeting of the Celtic League, held at Karaez in Brittany over the weekend, concentrated on mapping a way forward for the Celtic League in future years.
Whereas last years AGM (in Scotland) had marked fifty years of the League and was very much a celebration of the achievements this years event focused on where we take the organisation now.
Whilst the AGM agreed funding to continue the print edition of Carn it was firmly agreed that efforts to introduce an internet-based magazine should be actioned this year. The AGM considered several modifications to the League constitution to facilitate this process.
Addressing the AGM Celtic League Convenor, Cathal O Luain, first thanked the Breton branch for organising the event and the leader of the Council in Karaez for welcoming the AGM delegates and allowing the use of premises to host the event – he said:
“Our thanks to Gi Keltiek for the arrangements and to C. Troadec and BWR for welcoming us here. Due to the symposium The Celtic Nations, 50 Years of Progress, the public seminar and launch of the new Celtic League flag last year our business time was reduced and we did not have adequate time to discuss recommendations made in our General Secretary’s report. A three person special commission was set up (myself, our GS, Rhisiart Tal-e-bot and new Cymru secretary, Adam Philips) to consider these and met in Mold, Cymru at the end of March to discuss them. ”
“Various recommendations emerged and a report was circulated by the GS to the General Council and branches. In line with these recommendations the GS and I have prepared a series of motions for this AGM, some constitutional, which seek to implement those recommendations and the discussion on these will form a very important part of our AGM this year. One of the key proposals is to move from a print version of Carn to an eCarn to be published on our website. However, it is vital that this be done in a planned and phased fashion in order to bring as much of our current membership along with us as possible. ”
Another key element is the intention to maximise the benefit of our consultative status with the UN and engage as actively as feasible with the UN.
Our branches have engaged in various activities, some selling Carn and the Celtic League flag, others attending or arranging commemorations, lobbying and publicising issues of national interest and engaging in protests relevant to them.”
Delegates from Alba, Brittany, Eire, Cymru, Kernow and Mannin attended the AGM and this year saw a `first’ with the Leagues DOI joining the Saturday meeting by video link and participating fully in the business.
A range of resolutions were adopted and the report from General Secretary, Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, also highlighted the need for branches and officers to continue efforts to give effect to resolutions previously adopted.
In addition to items relating to the National branches work also focused on reorganising the International branch and also provisional arrangements to send a delegation (possibly in two years time) to Patagonia where an overseas branch has been established.
Officers elected for the next year were:
Cathal O Luain (Convenor)
Rhisiart Tal-e-bot (General Secretary)
Tony Leamon (assistant General Secretary)
Patricia Bridson (Editor of Carn)
Paul Kelly (Treasurer)
Bernard Moffatt (Director of Information)
Preliminary agreement was reached to hold the next AGM in Cymru in 2013
J B Moffatt (Mr)
Director of Information
For comment or clarification on this news item in the first instance contact:
General Secretary, Celtic League:
The General Secretary will determine the appropriate branch or General Council Officer to respond to your query.
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues
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