We live in dangerous times and not just from pandemics

We live in dangerous times and not just from pandemics

April 29, 2020

The Celtic League Assistant General Secretary in this post says allowing emergency powers to go unchecked can pose issues: The concerns raised by rights groups (see earlier post re ICCL) are apposite given that governments across the Celtic countries have seen fit to

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Second homes a destructive extravagance and in times like this dangerous

Second homes a destructive extravagance and in times like this dangerous

April 29, 2020

Second homes have always been a destructive extravagance they spread in the second part of the twentieth century into Wales and Scotland and turned villages in Conwall into weekday ghost towns. The inflated worth placed on them displaced young people from the housing

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Continuing Concerns on US Troops Passing through Shannon , particularly during Covid-19 Lockdown

April 24, 2020

Full Disclosure Needed on Tepper Aviation and Phoenix Air Aircraft at Shannon  (Shannonwatch.org  19 April 2020) At least three aircraft with links to companies that operated rendition flights for the CIA passed through Shannon Airport over the past few weeks. While we have no

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Ports Dispute ‘Essential Supplies’ Query

Ports Dispute ‘Essential Supplies’ Query

April 24, 2020

The Celtic League have written to the Taoiseach asking for detail of any disruption to essential supplies between Ireland and Britain dutring the recent P & O – Peel Ports (Liverpool) dispute. Link:https://afloat.ie/port-news/ferry-news/item/46086-detained-ship-can-set-sail-after-furious-570-000-liverpool-port-fees-row-resolved “An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Office of the Taoiseach By email

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EU Fishing Conglomerates Gorge on Fish Stocks

EU Fishing Conglomerates Gorge on Fish Stocks

April 18, 2020

As uncertainties prevail for indigenous fishing communities in Scotland. Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and Mann the EU fishing conglomerates that operate supertrawlers continue to gorge on the fish stocks west of St Kilda/ Today there are several large super trawlers in the area including

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Politicians Take a 20% Pay Cut

Politicians Take a 20% Pay Cut

April 18, 2020

Politicians in New Zealand are taking a 20% pay cut for six months. The move was announced by NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/414298/pm-ministers-and-public-service-bosses-take-20-percent-pay-cut?fbclid=IwAR2bz1YjERpGNilOt3AWt_CuruXbVlCr2pyNkQ33DmThxFsIieSaxCjuTq0 Jacinda Ardhern will also take a cut of 45000 New Zealand Dollars (about £21000) the move will also impact

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A Really Worrying Comparison

A Really Worrying Comparison

April 18, 2020

Elaine Doyle writing in the Guardian yesterday compared statistics over coronavirus between the UK and Ireland and found that per 100,000 of population there are twice as many deaths in the UK as in Ireland. However startling as that is she also points

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UK Govt Block on PPE For Scotland – Scandal Grows

UK Govt Block on PPE For Scotland – Scandal Grows

April 18, 2020

Despite attempts to play dawn the assertion that English based manufacturers of PPE were told not to supply care homes in Scotland and Wales the scandal grew. When we ran the story yesterday there were suggestions that it was false news and unhelpful.

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The United Kingdom? Not Anymore!

The United Kingdom? Not Anymore!

April 18, 2020

The United Kingdom? Not really when its comes to life one in Croydon is worth more than one in Strathclyde Paul Kavanagh the Scottish blogger has his take here on the news that English based health providers of PPE have been instructed NOT

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Scotland: West Coast super Trawler Fishing Frenzy Goes On

Scotland: West Coast super Trawler Fishing Frenzy Goes On

April 18, 2020

I mentioned yesterday the frenzied fishing activity off the West of Scotland (Hebrides) with a large concentration of the factory style super trawlers. This comes at a time when vessels in the indigenous fishing communities are in many instance tied up due to

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