Members of Scottish Parliament vote to hold referendum on independence

January 29, 2020

Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSP; Scottish Gaelic: Ball Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, BPA) have today backed a Government motion calling for the Scottish Parliament (Scottish Gaelic: Pàrlamaid na h-Alba) to have the power to hold another independence referendum. MSPs voted by 64 to

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Atlantic Carnage of Marine Mammals Continues

January 28, 2020

Dramatic footage here of a Dolphin caught in a trawl in the Biscay area off the French coast and the efforts to try to dislodge it. The footage filmed by Sea Shepherd France who are monitoring the Biscay fishery where hundreds of Dolphins

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‘The Last General Secretary’

January 28, 2020

Books I’m trying to divest myself of them – then Paul Moulton at MTTV pops up interviewing Steve Rodan (President of Tynwald) about a bursary for young people to attend the UN in Geneva and of I go – not to Geneva! On

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‘Poncho Mamgu’

January 28, 2020

Link here to a trailer and also the full Welsh documentary ‘Poncho Mamgu’. It’s a drama documentary (with subtitles) about the life of Elen Davies first as a child in Patagonia and later as a young woman in Wales. It tells the story

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Ireland swans decline but thankfully not ‘The Children of Lire’

January 28, 2020

Report here in the Irish Times about the decline of Bewick Swans in Ireland the species now winter further north in Germany as temperatures are warmer:…/swan-census-part-of-european-r… However the good news is Whooper swans which travel South from Iceland to winter in Ireland

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‘Our of Africa’ – The money that is with our help!

January 28, 2020

News from Mannin Branch Celtic League: We reported back in August about Isabel dos Santos she’s a nice wealthy lady from Angola who had invested in property in London using Manx business connections. Many Angolans struggle on subsistence earnings as the country tries

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Sellafield: The Leagues Long History of Opposition

January 28, 2020

I wrote some items recently about the late Dr Brian Stowell a long time member of the Celtic League and a contributor to Carn it’s journal almost from its inception in the early 1970s. Brian and his commitment to the Celtic movement is

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January 19, 2020

I wrote a recent item at the end of last year ‘The Turn of the Year and Memories’ posted on our CL Mannin Facebook ages and on the main Celtic League website…/the-turn-of-the-year-and-me…/ The article was accompanied by a screenshot from CARN

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January 19, 2020

One hundred and twenty years ago in 1900 the Irish radical nationalist womens organisation Inghinidhe na hÉireann was founded by Maud Gonne The Inghinidhe’s objects were defined as follows: The re-establishment of the complete independence of Ireland To encourage the study of Gaelic

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CHERISH is a Welsh – Irish 5 year project looking at the effect of climate change on coastal archæology sites.

CHERISH is a Welsh – Irish 5 year project looking at the effect of climate change on coastal archæology sites.

January 19, 2020

From: David Werdd – the Welsh Society in Ireland CHERISH CHERISH is a Welsh – Irish 5 year project looking at the effect of climate change on coastal archæology sites. CHERISH (Climate, Heritage and Environments of Reefs, Islands and Headlands) is an exciting,

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