Mean-spirited colonial action by UK against islanders condemned

July 31, 2017

A resolution expressing support for the people of the Chagos Islands to be allowed to return to their homes was the subject of a resolution adopted at the AGM of the Celtic League this weekend and held on the Isle of Man. The

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Celtic League Annual General Meeting 2017

July 31, 2017

The Celtic League Annual General Meeting 2017 was hosted this year by the Mannin Branch. All resolutions passed at the meeting will be added in full to this website at a later date. Representatives from Ireland, Brittany, Wales, Cornwall, Isle of Man and

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Unease about change of role for Irish Navy in Med

July 26, 2017

The role of the Irish Naval Service which has been involved in humanitarian rescue work in the Mediterranean is to change. A notice from the Department of Defence says: “Transferring to Operation Sophia will result in the redeployment of Irish Naval Service vessels

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Homes Plan: ‘A Dagger’ aimed at the last strongholds of the Welsh language

July 26, 2017

“The Welsh website “The Daily Post” have posted an article entitled “Cultural Suicide Fears Over 8,000 Homes Planned for Gwynedd and Anglesey”. The article reports on the alarm bells that have been set off in reaction to a massive planned residential development scheme

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Celtic League Patagonia

July 26, 2017

In a few days (28th July) our friends in the Patagonian branch of the Celtic League together with the Welsh speaking community of Argentina celebrate the establishment of the Welsh speaking community in the Patagonia and the Chubut 152 years ago. Community initiatives

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Ireland: Call for Court curb on social media

July 26, 2017

“Procedures are needed so contempt of court laws can be used against those who disrupt court proceedings with social media, the Chief Justice Susan Denham has said. Her comments come in the wake of an unprecedented social media campaign during the Jobstown trial,

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Breizh – parents in Court over childs name!

July 26, 2017

We reported the story of the controversy caused in Brittany by the attempt of Jean-Christophe and Lydia Bernard who wanted to register Frank their son with the registry in Quimper but because they used the Breton spelling Fañch and the letter ñ Is

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Abortion research seeks answers on impact of restrictions

July 26, 2017

News from Mannin Branch of the Celtic League: Detail at this link into a study project into abortion on the Isle of Man and the impact that current legislation has on those who must grapple with the decisions and then pursue off Island

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New search for coastguard helicopter crew

July 26, 2017

Irish coastguard make new effort to find lost heroes of ‘Rescue 116’: “A search operation has resumed for the bodies of two Irish coastguard crew who went missing four months ago. Four crew members died when the Rescue 116 aircraft hit Blackrock Island

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‘Never Bought Battered Or Beguiled’ say community which fought an oil giant

July 26, 2017

Lorna Siggins reports for the Irish Times on local people’s reaction to the decision of Shell to cash in the Corrob Gas project after a loss of over one billion euros. Rossport farmer Willie Corduff, who was one of five men jailed indefinitely

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