Media freedom has never been so threatened

April 26, 2017

A truly free and independent press is a vital component of any healthy democratic society. The need for transparency and for those who wield governmental and corporate power to be held accountable is vital. The annual briefing by Reporters Without Borders, has pointed

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Joint demonstrations planned for sick Basque political prisoner

April 24, 2017

Breton news site 7seizh reports that there will be further demonstrations in support of the terminally ill Basque political prisoner Oier Gomez on 26th April. Joint demonstrations will take place in Bayonne and Gastiez. On that day the Appeal Court in Paris will

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Breizh: action over failure to progress road signs initiative

April 24, 2017

(UN MILITANT D’AI’TA! CONVOQUÉ PAR LES FORCES DE L’ORDRE POUR DÉMONTAGE DE PANNEAUX SUR LES VOIES EXPRESS – 7siezh link below) The Breton language action group Ai’ta! is stepping up its campaign over the failure of the French National Roads Authority DIRO to

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French colonialism a recipe for disaster

April 24, 2017

(Guyane : déclaration commune des organisations indépendantistes de Corse, Bretagne, Pays Catalans, Pays Basque) Several European independence groups have joined a call the week for the people of the French colony of Guyana to be given independence. The call coincides with the ongoing

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The destructive power of the super trawler

April 24, 2017

I have documented at length the impact of industrial fishing from Senegal in West Africa to Scandinavia. Large trawlers literally vacuum the fish sticks in these areas and some of them have the capacity to process hundreds of tonnes of fish per day

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Food parcels for our poor neighbours

April 24, 2017

Secretary of the Scottish branch of the Celtic League, Iain Ramsay writes that it is time for Scotland to ‘cut ourselves loose from a sinking ship’: Teresa May should be thanked, for her pointing out, that England needs Scotland’s Exports. How did she

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Department of the Gaeltacht Occupied by MISNEACH

April 14, 2017

News from Irish Branch of the Celtic League: Members of the radical Irish language group MISNEACH occupied the Department of the Gaeltacht on Kildare Street, Dublin on 12th April. After figures published in the census last week revealed a dramatic fall in the

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Horses put down after military jets incident

April 14, 2017

‘Low flying military aircraft…does not just cause death or injury to the animals but also can lead to the deaths of horse riders’. A number of horses had to be put down following an incident involving low flying United States Air Force jets

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Isle of Man & money laundering – ‘must try harder’!

April 12, 2017

News from Mannin Branch of the Celtic League: ‘An offshore finance sector which you are dependent on is ‘like trying to hold a wolf by the ears you can neither hold it nor safely let it go’. Although getting on a bit now

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Sinn Féin accuse Fianna Fáil of U-turn in moving towards Fine Gael position on water charges

April 12, 2017

Sinn Féin, the Irish republican political party has accused Fianna Fáil of a U-turn and shifting back to the Fine Gael position on the issue of water charges. A report by an Oireachtas committee on domestic water charges has made its final recommendations

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