Enviroment Agency Responds on Sellafield Drainage Issue

March 21, 2011

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY RESPOND ON SELLAFIELD DRAINAGE ISSUE The Environment Agency (EA) has responded to questions from the Celtic League about the monitoring of storm water outfalls and surface drainage at the vast Sellafield nuclear complex in Cumbria (see link): https://groups.yahoo.com/group/celtic_league/message/3587 The information supplied

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Met Office Celtic language Options to be Made More Accessible

March 21, 2011

MET OFFICE CELTIC LANGUAGE OPTIONS TO BE MADE MORE ACCESSIBLE The UK Meteorological Office (Met Office) has responded to concerns raised by the Celtic League about lack of clarity over where the Welsh and Gaelic language forecasts are available on their `Invent’ weather

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Japan Crisis Must Prompt Rethink On Newbuild Nuclear Power Plants

March 21, 2011

It is to be hoped that the unfortunate events unfolding in Japan in relation to the nuclear industry will cause the United Kingdom government to pause and reflect on the wisdom of its plans to encourage a new generation of nuclear plants. The

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Technetium Levels RPII Response

March 11, 2011

The Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland has responded to a query from the Celtic League concerning levels of technetium-99 caused by discharges from Sellafield (see link): https://groups.yahoo.com/group/celtic_league/message/3579 The League had asked if recent published data recorded an increase in technetium-99 levels and this

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Call For Welsh Office To Be Scrapped

March 11, 2011

Following a successful vote in favour of adopting primary law making powers in Wales last week, the presiding officer for the Senedd/Welsh Assembly Government caused a further debate on the weekend by suggesting that the Welsh Office ministry could now be scrapped, which

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Manx Government Unrepentant Over Links With Bahrain Regime

March 11, 2011

The Isle of Man government is unrepentant about its decision to strengthen business links with Bahrain. The Celtic League wrote to the Manx government in February querying the decision to formalise bilateral arrangements with the despotic Gulf State (see links): https://groups.yahoo.com/group/celtic_league/message/3592 https://groups.yahoo.com/group/celtic_league/message/3590 In

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Wales: Yes To Direct Law Making Powers

March 9, 2011

The Welsh referendum has resulted in an overwhelming `yes’ vote to the proposal to grant direct law making powers to the Welsh Assembly. A full geographical breakdown of the vote can be found here: https://referendumresults.aboutmyvote.co.uk/en/all-local-voting-area-declarations\.aspx Celtic League supported to YES campaign and a

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Ireland: Opposition To Proposed Royal Visit

March 9, 2011

There have been a number of expressions of opposition to the recently announced Royal Visit to Ireland. Republican Sinn Fein has indicated repeatedly that it opposed plans for any visit and now a definite proposal has been brought forward the party has called

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Mannin: Wedding Holiday Criticism

March 9, 2011

The Manx Nationalist Party has said that the decision of the Isle of Man to go ahead with the `Royal wedding’ bank holiday smacks of double-standards. Mec Vannin Chairman, Mark Kermode, said that the government is continually braying about its independence and yet

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Irish General Elections Results – Will a Coalition Government Emerge by the Weekend?

March 4, 2011

The results of the Irish General Election, held on Friday 25th February, were generally in line with successive polls published in the months before the election. That is to say, a severe loss in support and seats in the Irish Dáil (Parliament) for

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